
出身卑微的關師傅一直秉承人道主義及關愛的心,無論是戰爭、自然災害還是個別人的士的悲慘遭遇,他都出錢又出力,竭所能幫忙。1991年華東大地之後,當數百萬人無家可歸時,關師傅領導一輪籌款運動,籌集了價值1180萬港元的食品、醫療用品、衣物和其他必需品。 當時他87歲,籌募的壓力令他精疲力竭,可他對慈善事業的熱忱從未間斷。


A true humanitarian since his humble beginnings, Master Kwan cared as a man – whether it was war, natural disaster, or individual tragedy. After the great floor of 1991 in Eastern China, when millions were left homeless, Kwan led a campaign which raised one HKD11.8 million worth of food stuffs, medical supplies, clothing and other necessities.  He was 87 at the time, and the strain of the campaign left him exhausted and he was confined to bed for nearly two months. But his devotion to humanitarian causes never stopped.


關德興中藥製造公司,作為一名備受尊敬的跌打醫師,專門醫治骨折損傷。他自1953年以來建立了 「寶芝林」,這建基於他對中國傳統中醫藥產品有堅定的信念。


Kwan Tak-Hing Chinese Drugs Manufacturing Company – as a much respected traditional Chinese doctor specializing in Bone Setting and bodily injuries, he established a “dojo” since 1953.

The Po Chi Lam Company – was established because of his strong belief in Chinese traditional Herbal products in relationship to the holistic approach of the Chinese philosophy in health care and personal wellness.


關帥傅的夫人陳日初亦是一名剛毅性強的傳奇人物,亦曾被日本皇軍通緝。 她是粵劇神話”紥腳勝”的女兒。關德興師傅育有一個兒子和四個女兒。


Kwan was married to Madame Kwan Chun Yut Chur, who was  a  legend of her own right (also wanted dead or alive by the Japanese Imperial Army). She was the daughter of the Cantonese Opera mythical “Bind-foot Sin” (Chin Dynasty).  Kwan and his wife are survived by one son and four daughters.